Improving the developer experience for docs

All things #search
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2022


We’re excited to share a major update for’s developer docs site— with enhancements such as support for a dark theme mode, improved documentation search experience, code highlighting / copying support as well as core performance improvements to SEO and page load times.

Background and Gatsby

Our docs are built using Gatsby — a popular and open-source React framework for building websites and apps. However in the last couple of years, Docusaurus has emerged as a popular and focused alternative for an all batteries included approach to building a documentation site.

Given that we were already using Gatsby with hundreds of routed pages and using many features such as a custom navigation layout with picker for frontend libraries, a 0ms latency search box based on an offline index, our preference was to stay with Gatsby instead of migrating to a new tool like Docusaurus.

Image: Our custom routing for FE library navigation

Besides, Gatsby being a framework and not being opionated would allow us to have more flexibility to make future enhancements, such as make use of server-side rendering.

It turns out that tuning performance as well as making several of the enhancements is indeed easy with Gatsby! The rest of the post walks through the enhancements. If you would like to incorporate any of these for your own documentation, our docs are built in the open on Github and licensed under MIT. Feel free to star or fork them.

Introducing dark mode

The docs now fully support viewing in dark mode.

Image: Use the theme switcher at the top right for toggling b/w light and dark modes
Image: Docs in dark mode
Image: TimelineOption, a custom component from’s designkit

Our docs primarily utilize the design kit for several components like the TimelineOption component above. Cards, navbar, footer are all components that come from this. We introduced a dark theme option in these components first. The docs are built using Gatsby, the next changes to support theming were done in the core repository itself.

On mobile screens, we show the theme switcher with the menu navigation’s footer.

The default theme is also auto-set based on a user’s OS display preferences.

Searchbox enhancements

We’ve improved the documentation search experience with a wider screen space, a first-class keyboard accessibility support, showing and a quick suggestion view of recently viewed pages.

Image: Searchbox before and after the enhancements

Code highlighting and copy snippet options

All the code snippets in the docs now support syntax highlighting using prismjs as well as support a copy snippet button.

Image: Code snippets before and after

Performance enhancements docs are a fully progressive web app that can be installed as an app when viewing from mobile and are also heavily SEO optimized.

Image: Before and current lighthouse scores on SEO and PWA

We also focused on other performance enhancements such as using Loadable components, upgrading to Gatsby v4 (current major version) as well as utilizing several Gatsby plugins to reduce the Javascript needed for the docs to be interactive.

Image: Page speed insights — mobile performance improvements
Image: Page speed insights — desktop performance improvements

Open Source | Star it or fork it

If you are interested in incorporating any of these changes to your own documentation site, our docs are hosted in the open on Github and licensed under an MIT license. Go star it or fork it.

